2 Simple Ways To Help Your Child Listen
“My child does not listen to me” is something I hear often from parents. Setting the table, getting out
of bed, coming home on time and eating meals, children have a hard time listening to their parents. One of my clients, needed to pull her car into the garage. She asked her son to move out of the driveway,
where he was playing basketball and he refused.
What can we do to help our children to really listen?
We need to remember that children do not respond well to direct commands.
Kids want to be respected. They too have their pride and have a need to maintain their dignity.
In our classes we teach simple ways to talk to our children in a dignified, respectful manner.
Two of my favorite techniques are:
Instead of: “Get out of bed!”
Give information: “Bus will be here in 30 minutes ”
Give choices: “Is this alarm clock working for you or is there
another way you need to help you get out in the morning?”
Instead of: ” Don’t leave without eating breakfast!”
Give information: “Breakfast is being served now”
Give choices: “Are you having the cheerios or the oatmeal?” “What
are you in the mood for, eggs or frozen waffles?”
Instead of: “Set the table”:
Give information: “Dinner gets on the table faster when everyone
pitches in to set the table”
Give choices: “What would be better for you- are you available to
help me set the table or clean up from dinner?”
Instead of : “Move out of the way”:
Give information: “I want to make sure you’re in a safe place when I
pull into the garage”
Give choices: “Where is the easiest place for you to move to while I
pull into the garage, to the left or right?”
Come join our workshops to learn more ways to get your kids to listen.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
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