“Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way.” – George Evans

Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” – Malcolm Forbes

When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts

You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. Clay P. Bedford

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. Henry B Adams

Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. James Baldwin

Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. Will Durant

If people did not do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done. Ludwig Wittgenstein

Ernest Dimnet Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves.

Education make a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive: easy to govern, but impossible to enslave. Peter Brougham

Friday, 20 June 2014



51. Application to Major – During last 15 minutes of class, ask students to write a short
101 interactive teaching techniques
Teaching method
article about how the point applies to their major.
52. Pro and Con Grid – Students list out the pros and cons for a given subject.
53. Harvesting – After an experience/activity in class, ask students to reflect on “what” they
learned, “so what” (why is it important and what are the implications), and “now what”
(how to apply it or do things differently).
54. Chain Notes – Instructor pre-distributes index cards and passes around an envelope, on
which is written a question relating to the learning environment (i.e., are the group
discussions useful?) Students write a very brief answer, drop in their own card, and pass
the envelope to the next student.
55. Focused Autobiographical Sketches – Focuses on a single successful learning
experience, one relevant to the current course.
56. Course-Related Self-Confidence Surveys – Simple questions that measure how
self-confident students are when it comes to a specific skill. Once they become aware they
can do it, they focus on it more.
57. Profiles of Admirable Individuals – Students write a brief profile of an individual in
a field related to the course. Students assess their own values and learn best practices for
this field.
58. Memory Matrix – Identify a key taxonomy and then design a grid that represents those
interrelationships. Keep it simple at first. Avoid trivial or ambiguous relationships, which
tend to backfire by focusing students on superficial kinds of learning. Although probably
most useful in introductory courses, this technique can also be used to help develop basic
study skills for students who plan to continue in the field
59. Categorizing Grid – Hand out rectangles divided into cells and a jumbled listing of
terms that need to be categorized by row and column.
60. Defining Features Matrix – Hand out a simple table where students decide if a
defining feature is PRESENT or ABSENT. For instance, they might have to read through
several descriptions of theories and decide if each refers to behaviorist or constructivist
models of learning.
61. What/How/Why Outlines – Write brief notes answering the what / how / why
questions when analyzing a message or text.
62. Approximate Analogies – Students provide the second half of an analogy (A is to B as
X is to Y).

101 interactive teaching techniques

63. Problem Recognition Tasks – Offer case studies with different types of problems and
ask students to identify the TYPE of problem (which is different from solving it)
Kevin Yee | University of Central Florida | kevinyee@mail.ucf.edu
64. Switch it up! – Ask students to work on one problem for a few minutes and
intentionally move to a second problem without debriefing the first one, then solve the
second one and only then return to the first one for more work. A carefully chosen second
problem can shed light on the first problem, but this also works well if the problems are
not directly related to each other.
65. Reading Rating Sheets – Students fill out a ratings sheet on the course readings, on
how clear, useful, and interesting it was.
66. Assignment Assessments – Students give feedback on their homework assignments,
and evaluate them as learning tools.
67. Exam Evaluations – Students explain what they are learning from exams, and evaluate
the fairness, usefulness, and quality of tests.
68. Group-Work Evaluations – Questionnaires asking how effective groupwork has been
in the class.
69. Teacher-Designed Feedback Forms – Rather than use standardized evaluation
forms, teachers create ones tailored for their needs and their classes. Especially useful
midway through the term.
70. Writing Fables – Students write an animal fable (or at least sketch its outline) that will
lead to a one-sentence moral matching the current concept discussed in class. May be
done verbally instead.
Student Action: Pairs
71. Think-Pair-Share – Students share and compare possible answers to a question with a
partner before addressing the larger class.
72. Pair-Share-Repeat – After a pair-share experience, ask students to find a new partner
and debrief the wisdom of the old partnership to this new partner.
73. Teacher and Student - Individually brainstorm the main points of the last homework,
then assign roles of teacher and student to pairs. The teacher’s job is to sketch the main
points, while the student’s job is to cross off points on his list as they are mentioned, but
come up with 2-3 ones missed by the teacher.
74. Wisdom of Another – After any individual brainstorm or creative activity, partner
students up to share their results. Then, call for volunteers of students who found their
partner’s work to be interesting or exemplary. Students are sometimes more willing to
share in plenary the work of fellow students than their own work.
75. Forced Debate – Students debate in pairs, but must defend the opposite side of their
personal opinion. Variation: half the class take one position, half the other. They line up
and face each other. Each student may only speak once, so that all students on both sides
can engage the issue.
76. Optimist/Pessimist – In pairs, students take opposite emotional sides of a
conversation. This technique can be applied to case studies and problem solving as well.
77. Peer Review Writing Task – To assist students with a writing assignments, encourage
them to exchange drafts with a partner. The partner reads the essay and writes a threeparagraph
response: the first paragraph outlines the strengths of the essay, the second
paragraph discusses the essay’s problems, and the third paragraph is a description of
what the partner would focus on in revision, if it were her essay.
78. Invented Dialogues – Students weave together real quotes from primary sources, or
invent ones to fit the speaker and context.
79. My Christmas Gift – Students mentally select one of their recent gifts as related to or
emblematic of a concept given in class, and must tell their partners how this gift relates to
the concept. The one with a closer connection wins.
80. Psychoanalysis – Students get into pairs and interview one another about a recent
learning unit. The focus, however, is upon analysis of the material rather than rote
memorization. Sample Interview Questions: Can you describe to me the topic that you
would like to analyze today? What were your attitudes/beliefs before this topic? How did
your attitudes/beliefs change after learning about this topic? How will/have your
actions/decisions altered based on your learning of this topic? How have your
perceptions of others/events changed?
Kevin Yee | University of Central Florida | kevinyee@mail.ucf.edu
Student Action: Groups
81. Jigsaw (Group Experts) – Give each group a different topic. Re-mix groups with one
planted “expert” on each topic, who now has to teach his new group.
82. Pick the Winner – Divide the class into groups and have all groups work on the same
problem and record an answer/strategy on paper. Then, ask groups to switch with a
nearby group, and evaluate their answer. After a few minutes, allow each set of groups to
merge and ask them to select the better answer from the two choices, which will be
presented to the class as a whole.
83. Lecture Reaction – Divide the class into four groups after a lecture: questioners (must
ask two questions related to the material), example givers (provide applications),
divergent thinkers (must disagree with some points of the lecture), and agreers (explain
which points they agreed with or found helpful). After discussion, brief the whole class.
84. Movie Application – In groups, students discuss examples of movies that made use of
a concept or event discussed in class, trying to identify at least one way the movie-makers
got it right, and one way they got it wrong.
85. Student Pictures – Ask students to bring their own pictures from home to illustrate a
specific concept to their working groups.
86. Definitions and Applications – In groups, students provide definitions, associations,
and applications of concepts discussed in lecture.
87. TV Commercial – In groups, students create a 30-second TV commercial for the
subject currently being discussed in class. Variation: ask them to act out their
88. Blender – Students silently write a definition or brainstorm an idea for several minutes
on paper. Then they form into groups, and two of them read their ideas and integrate
elements from each. A third student reads his, and again integration occurs with the
previous two, until finally everyone in the group has been integrated (or has attempted
89. Human Tableau or Class Modeling – Groups create living scenes (also of inanimate
objects) which relate to the classroom concepts or discussions.
90. Build From Restricted Components – Provide limited resources (or a discrete list of
ideas that must be used) and either literally or figuratively dump them on the table,
asking students in groups to construct a solution using only these things (note: may be
familiar from the Apollo 13 movie). If possible, provide red herrings, and ask students to
construct a solution using the minimum amount of items possible.
91. Ranking Alternatives – Teacher gives a situation, everyone thinks up as many
alternative courses of action (or explanations of the situation) as possible. Compile list. In
groups, now rank them by preference.
92. Simulation – Place the class into a long-term simulation (like as a business) to enable
Problem-Based Learning (PBL).
93. Group Instructional Feedback Technique – Someone other than the teacher polls
groups on what works, what doesn’t, and how to fix it, then reports them to the teacher.
94. Classroom Assessment Quality Circles – A small group of students forms a
“committee” on the quality of teaching and learning, which meets regularly and includes
the instructor.
95. Audio and Videotaped Protocols – Taping students while they are solving problems
assesses the learner’s awareness of his own thinking.
96. Imaginary Show and Tell – Students pretend they have brought an object relevant to
current discussion, and “display” it to the class while talking about its properties.
97. Six Degrees of “RNA Transcription Errors” – Like the parlor game “Six Degrees of
Kevin Bacon” (in which actors are linked by joint projects), you provide groups with a
conceptual start point and challenge them to leap to a given concept in six moves or
fewer. One student judge in each group determines if each leap is fair and records the
nature of the leaps for reporting back to the class.

101 interactive teaching techniques

98. Replace Discussion Boards - Create a Facebook “group” (private/invite only) and use
the Wall as the class discussion board. Students are notified by home page notification
when someone replies to their thread.
99. Notify Students Quickly - Message all members of your Facebook group with one
click; this will reach your students much faster than an email, because most of them
check Facebook regularly.
100. Fan Page - An alternative to a group is a “fan” page, which has the advantage that your
“status updates” will show up for students on their Live Feed. Disadvantage: some
students turn off Live Feed and only see status updates of their friends.
101. Direct Facebook Friendship - Allowing your students to “friend” you will give you
unfettered access to them (unless they’ve set up a special role for you), but more
importantly, your status updates will be visible to them on the home page (unless they
block you manually). Disadvantage: too much information will be revealed on both sides,

unless both you and the students set up “lists” with limited access allowed.

Thursday, 19 June 2014



These techniques have multiple benefits: the instructor can easily and quickly
assess if students have really mastered the material (and plan to dedicate more

time to it, if necessary), and the process of measuring student understanding in
many cases is also practice for the material—often students do not actually learn
the material until asked to make use of it in assessments such as these. Finally,
the very nature of these assessments drives interactivity and brings several
benefits. Students are revived from their passivity of merely listening to a lecture
and instead become attentive and engaged, two prerequisites for effective
learning. These techniques are often perceived as “fun”, yet they are frequently
more effective than lectures at enabling student learning.
Not all techniques listed here will have universal appeal, with factors such as your
teaching style and personality influencing which choices may be right for you.

Instructor Action: Lecture
1. Picture Prompt – Show students an image with no explanation, and ask them to
identify/explain it, and justify their answers. Or ask students to write about it using terms
from lecture, or to name the processes and concepts shown. Also works well as group
activity. Do not give the “answer” until they have explored all options first.
2. Think Break – Ask a rhetorical question, and then allow 20 seconds for students to
think about the problem before you go on to explain. This technique encourages students
to take part in the problem-solving process even when discussion isn't feasible. Having
students write something down (while you write an answer also) helps assure that they
will in fact work on the problem.
3. Choral Response – Ask a one-word answer to the class at large; volume of answer will
suggest degree of comprehension. Very useful to “drill” new vocabulary words into
4. Instructor Storytelling – Instructor illustrates a concept, idea, or principle with a reallife
application, model, or case-study.
5. Empty Outlines – Distribute a partially completed outline of today’s lecture and ask
students to fill it in. Useful at start or at end of class.
Kevin Yee | University of Central Florida | kevinyee@mail.ucf.edu
6. Classroom Opinion Polls – Informal hand-raising suffices to test the waters before a
controversial subject.
7. Total Physical Response (TPR) – Students either stand or sit to indicate their binary
answers, such as True/False, to the instructor’s questions.
8. Hand Held Response Cards – Distribute (or ask students to create) standardized
cards that can be held aloft as visual responses to instructor questions. Example: green
card for true, red for false. Or hand-write a giant letter on each card to use in multiple
choice questions.
9. Student Polling – Select some students to travel the room, polling the others on a topic
relevant to the course, then report back the results for everyone.
10. Self-Assessment of Ways of Learning – Prepare a questionnaire for students that
probes what kind of learning style they use, so the course can match visual/aural/tactile
learning styles.
11. Quote Minus One – Provide a quote relevant to your topic but leave out a crucial word
and ask students to guess what it might be: “I cannot forecast to you the action of
______; it is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” This engages them
quickly in a topic and makes them feel invested.
12. Everyday Ethical Dilemmas – Present an abbreviated case study with an ethical
dilemma related to the discipline being studied.
13. Polar Opposites – Ask the class to examine two written-out versions of a theory (or
corollary, law of nature, etc.), where one is incorrect, such as the opposite or a negation of
the other. In deciding which is correct, students will have to examine the problem from all
14. Pop Culture – Infuse your lectures, case studies, sample word problems for use during
class with current events from the pop culture world. Rather than citing statistics for
housing construction, for instance, illustrate the same statistical concept you are teaching
by inventing statistics about something students gossip about, like how often a certain
pop star appears in public without make-up.
15. Make Them Guess – Introduce a new subject by asking an intriguing question,
something that few will know the answer to (but should interest all of them). Accept blind
guessing for a while before giving the answer to build curiosity.
16. Make It Personal – Design class activities (or even essays) to address the real lives of
the individual students. Instead of asking for reflections on Down’s Syndrome, ask for
personal stories of neurological problems by a family member or anyone they have ever
17. Read Aloud – Choose a small text (500 words or less) to read aloud, and ask students to
pay particular attention during this phase of lecture. A small text read orally in a larger
lecture can focus attention.
18. Punctuated Lectures – Ask student to perform five steps: listen, stop, reflect, write,
give feedback. Students become self-monitoring listeners.
19. Word of the Day – Select an important term and highlight it throughout the class
session, working it into as many concepts as possible. Challenge students to do the same
in their interactive activities.
20. Recall, Summarize, Question, Connect, and Comment – This method of starting
each session (or each week) has five steps to reinforce the previous session’s material:
recall it, summarize it, phrase a remaining question, connect it to the class as a whole,
and comment on that class session.
21. Focused Listing – List several ideas related to the main focus point. Helpful for starting
new topics.
22. Background Knowledge Probe – Use questionnaire (multi-choice or short answer)
when introducing a new topic.
23. Goal Ranking and Matching – Students rank their goals for the class, then instructor
combines those with her own list.
24. Interest/Knowledge/Skills Checklist – Assesses interest and preparation for the
course, and can help adjust teaching agenda.
Kevin Yee | University of Central Florida | kevinyee@mail.ucf.edu
25. Documented Problem Solutions – Keep track of the steps needed to solve specific
types of problems. Model a list for students first and then ask them to perform similar
Instructor Action: Lecture (Small Class Size)
26. Pass the Chalk – Provide chalk or a soft toy; whoever has it must answer your next
question, and they pass it on to the student of their choice.
27. Quaker Meeting – Students highlight key passages of the reading, and there is silence
(like a Quaker meeting) until someone wants to read his/her out, and others follow. End
with brief writing about what they learned from the sentences.
28. Town Hall Meeting – Abdicate the front of the room for a student willing to speak out
on a controversial subject, and when she is done with her comment, she selects the next
speaker from the hands raised.
29. The Half Class Lecture – Divide the class in half and provide reading material to one
half. Lecture on that same material to the other half of the class. Then, switch the groups
and repeat, ending with a recap by pairing up members of opposite groups.
30. Tournament – Divide the class into at least two groups and announce a competition for
most points on a practice test. Let them study a topic together and then give that quiz,
tallying points. After each round, let them study the next topic before quizzing again. The
points should be carried over from round to round. The student impulse for competition
will focus their engagement onto the material itself.
Student Action: Individual (many of these can be used as partnerwork or groupwork instead;
or may escalate to that after some individual effort)
31. One-Minute Papers – Students write for one minute on a specific question (which
might be generalized to “what was the most important thing you learned today”). Best
used at the end of the class session.
32. Muddiest Point – Like the Minute Paper, but asks for the “most confusing” point
instead. Best used at the end of the class session.
33. Misconception Check – Discover class’s preconceptions. Useful for starting new
34. Drawing for Understanding – Students illustrate an abstract concept or idea.
Comparing drawings around the room can clear up misconceptions.
35. What’s the Principle – After recognizing the problem, students assess what principle
to apply in order to solve it. Helps focus on problem TYPES rather than individual
specific problems. Principle(s) should be listed out.
36. Haiku – Students write a haiku (a three-line poem: 5-syllables, then 7, then 5) on a given
topic or concept, and then share it with others.
37. Bookmark Notes - Distribute full-length paper to be used as a bookmark for the
current chapter. On it, record prompts and other “reading questions”, and require
students to record their notes, observations, and objections while reading onto these
bookmarks for collection and discussion in class.
38. True or False? – Distribute index cards (one to each student) on which is written a
statement. Half of the cards will contain statements that are true, half false. Students
decide if theirs is one of the true statements or not, using whatever means they desire.
Variation: designate half the room a space for those who think their statements are true,
and the other half for false.
39. “Real-World” – Have students discuss in class how a topic or concept relates to a realworld
application or product. Then have students write about this topic for homework.
Variation: ask them to record their answer on index cards.
40. Concept Mapping – Students write keywords onto sticky notes and then organize them
into a flowchart. Could be less structured: students simply draw the connections they
make between concepts.
41. Advice Letter – Students write a letter of advice to future students on how to be
successful students in that course.
Kevin Yee | University of Central Florida | kevinyee@mail.ucf.edu
42. Tabloid Titles – Ask students to write a tabloid-style headline that would illustrate the
concept currently being discussed. Share and choose the best.
43. Bumper Stickers – Ask students to write a slogan-like bumper sticker to illustrate a
particular concept from lecture. Variation: can be used to ask them to sum up the entire
course in one sentence.
44. One-Sentence Summary – Summarize the topic into one sentence that incorporates
all of who/what/when/where/why/how creatively.
45. Directed Paraphrasing – Students asked to paraphrase part of a lesson for a specific
audience (and a specific purpose).
46. Word Journal – First, summarize the entire topic on paper with a single word. Then
use a paragraph to explain your word choice.
47. Truth Statements – Either to introduce a topic or check comprehension, ask
individuals to list out “It is true that...” statements on the topic being discussed. The
ensuing discussion might illustrate how ambiguous knowledge is sometimes.
48. Objective Check – Students write a brief essay in which they evaluate to what extent
their work fulfills an assignment’s objectives.
49. Opposites – Instructor lists out one or more concepts, for which students must come up
with an antonym, and then defend their choice.
50. Student Storytelling – Students are given assignments that make use of a given
concept in relation to something that seems personally relevant (such as requiring the

topic to be someone in their family).